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Inspiration : Mediterranean/Moroccan style decor IdeasInspiration : Mediterranean/Moroccan style decor Ideas

If you love vibrant and exotic colors, and have a taste for stylish and elegant furnishing, Moroccan decor is a beautiful choice! The intricate detailing on furniture, mosaic accents, rich jewel tones..all of them elements of this beautiful Mediterranean decor. This is such a gorgeous setting! The t…

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10 Interesting ways to display art on walls!10 Interesting ways to display art on walls!

Displaying art is an art in itself! There are different types of art work that you can collect, make or thrift to create an awesome display. It could range from fine paintings, photographs, your craft or even a mix of different kinds. The idea is to not clutter while keeping things interesting. If d…

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Theme design : Yellow and Gray color combination!Theme design : Yellow and Gray color combination!

Each color has certain characteristics. They are generally classified as 'warm' or 'cool' color. Some are bright, intense and radiate energy, while some are soothing and neutral. Yellow is the sunny color. Its bright and full of energy, stimulates senses and is perfect when combined with a neutral l…

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